Name E77 - Mina Murray IMINA MURRAY
Contracts 20
Rewards COINS3,200
Final Rewards DOUBLOON15
Level Material Reward XP Bonus Required capacity
XP 50x 5
XP 20x 5
XP1 1x 15
XP1 16x 7
XP1 42x 8
XP1 2x 5
XP1 33x 9
XP1 55x 10
XP1 22x 10
XP1 1x 30
XP1 46x 12
XP1 18x 12
XP1 2x 10
XP1 59x 13
XP1 36x 14
XP1 1x 35
XP1 25x 14
XP1 49x 15
XP2 63x 16
XP2 2x 10
Final Rewards DOUBLOON15
Summary IRON-300
Level Description
1 Pardon me, captain. Can I ask for a minute of your time? I would invite you for a cup of tea but I forgot my purse at home. I hope you don’t mind.
2 I am in need of some transportation service. My fiancé was supposed to help me with the wedding preparations but he is on a business trip in Europe. He did not even stay to finish the renovation of our house.
3 The wedding will take place on a small island near where I grew up so everything needs to be delivered by ship. I will show your sailors where it is so you can easily find it.
4 There is nothing on the island. We will have to bring everything from the food to a shelter in case of bad weather. Let’s make it a large tent with a solid iron frame to withstand the wind from the sea.
5 Jonathan, that’s my fiancé, does not like meat very much. He prefers vegetables and fish. But I am not much of a fish eater myself. Will you help me choose the right menu?
6 The decoration will be beautiful. Apart from flowers, there will be mirrors hanging from the branches of trees. They will reflect the sky and the sunlight so that it will all look like a fairyland.
7 I have ordered special chairs and tables for the wedding. Pick them up at the Wedding Woodworkers. They should be ready by now.
8 The chairs are beautiful. Just like I pictured them. Alas, they came out more expensive than I expected. Could you give me a small loan, captain?
9 Now please take some marble to the stonemason. I have already delivered him the design of the stone altar I wish to make my vows at. And remember, it needs to be a pink marble.
10 I have been so busy with the wedding I totally forgot Jonathan should be back by now. Will you ask your men to inquire about his ship in the port?
11 His ship has already arrived? How could it be? Let’s find the captain of the ship. I must ask him about Jonathan. If we deliver the supplies for their next voyage, they should let us inside easier.
12 The captain knew nothing about Jonathan. We must ask the passengers. The captain said most of them were the workers from the local Iron Factory. Let’s go there with a delivery of material.
13 No one knew anything about Jonathan. Maybe he missed the ship and will come with the next one. But it’s been five days now. As if this was not terrible enough a storm has broken all the mirrors for my wedding.
14 I have thought about asking someone sailing to Romania to look for my fiancé. But there are no ships heading in that direction. Maybe if I offer a reward, I will find someone willing to go there.
15 No one will go, so I will do it myself. I will have a ship built and sail to Romania. I may not know where it is but my heart will guide me.
16 Will you help me find some sailors who will sail with me?
17 My father became sick. I can’t leave him now. Captain, you are my last hope. Will you sail to Romania for me? I know you are busy with your own business, but once you finish it, please help me find Jonathan.
18 I will wait patiently for any news about Jonathan. Please, find him for me. He was going to the estate of Count Dracula. I heard Transylvania is a very poor country so take enough supplies with you.
19 Please take some money with you in case pirates or bandits have my poor Jonathan. Give them the money so they would let him go free. I can’t bear the thought anything bad would happen to him.
20 Take the ship I had made. She is not perfect now but I am sure she can be made into a magnificent vessel. Place some mirrors on her. They ward off evil. You are going into dark lands.
Final Please find Jonathan. I hope he is well but even if not, I must know the truth. This is for you, just find him for me.
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